Medical Terminology Course for hospitals personnel دورة المصطلحات الطبية للعاملين بالمستشفيات


Medical Terminology is the language of the healthcare industry, used to accurately and efficiently.
describe the human body and the diseases, treatments, and medical procedures associated with
it. It is important for healthcare professionals to have a strong understanding of medical.
terminology in order to accurately communicate with and diagnose patients. This course will
provide an in-depth introduction to medical terminology, from the basics of anatomical terms and
root words to more complex terms and phrases that describe diseases, treatments, and
procedures. It will also cover the basics of medical coding and how to use medical records, as well
as the legal and ethical implications of medical terminology. By the end of this course, students
will have a comprehensive understanding of medical terminology and how it is used in the
healthcare setting.

All hospital employees should have a comprehensive understanding of medical terminology in
order to ensure that they are providing the best care possible for their patients

Here is a list of the most important topics about a Medical Terminology course for hospital employees:

  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Diseases and Conditions
  • Laboratory Tests and Procedures
  • Pharmacology and Drug Therapy
  • Health Insurance and Reimbursement
  • Medical Record Keeping
  • Coding and Billing Systems
  • Medical Terminology Root Words
  • Abbreviations and Acronyms
  • Healthcare Regulations
  • Documentation Guidelines
  • Patient Privacy and Security
  • . Electronic Health Records
  • Medical Insurance and Claims Processing
  • Healthcare Software
  • Coding and Billing Strategies
  • Medical Terminology in the Healthcare Setting
  • Anatomical Position and Directional Terms
  • Pathology and Lab Findings
  • Legal and Ethical Implications of Medical Terminology.

72 hours of training under 3 hours, on Monday and Thursday

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Major Topics

The Introduction to Medical Terminology topic for hospital employees is designed to provide an overview of the fundamentals of medical terminology. The course will cover topics such as the structure and components of medical words, common prefixes and suffixes, medical abbreviations and symbols, medical terminology related to anatomy and physiology, medical terminology related to the body systems, and medical terminology related to laboratory tests and procedures.
The course will also provide an introduction to medical coding and the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT). Additionally, the course will provide instruction on how to use medical terms in the context of patient care and how to interpret medical records and reports. Finally, the course will cover various techniques for memorizing and mastering medical terminology.

The Anatomy and Physiology topic for hospital employees is designed to provide an in-depth look at the structure and functions of the human body. The course will cover topics such as the cells, tissues, and organs that make up the body, the skeletal and muscular systems, the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the digestive system and its functions, the endocrine and nervous systems, the reproductive system, and the senses. Additionally, the course will cover the various clinical conditions that can affect different parts of the body, as well as the medical treatments and interventions available for these conditions. Finally, the course will cover the fundamentals of medical terminology and the use of medical terms in the context of patient care.

The Medical Abbreviations and Symbols Course for Hospital Employees is designed to provide an introduction to the use of medical abbreviations and symbols in patient care. The course will cover topics such as the proper use of abbreviations and symbols, common abbreviations and symbols used in medical records and reports, how to interpret abbreviations and symbols, and the importance of accuracy when interpreting and using abbreviations and symbols in patient care. Additionally, the course will cover the importance of using standard abbreviations and provide instruction on how to recognize and avoid potentially dangerous or confusing abbreviations and symbols. Finally, the course will cover various techniques for memorizing and mastering medical abbreviations and symbols.

The Medical Root Words and Suffixes Course for hospital employees is designed to provide an introduction to the etymology of medical words. The course will cover topics such as the structure and components of medical words, common prefixes and suffixes, and the roots and origins of medical terms. Additionally, the course will provide instruction on how to use medical terms in the context of patient care and how to interpret medical records and reports. Finally, the course will cover various techniques for memorizing and mastering medical root words and suffixes.

The course Medical Terminology Related to Body Systems and Diseases, Laboratory Tests and
Procedures, Pharmacology and Drug Therapy, and the Healthcare Setting is a comprehensive
course that covers a variety of topics related to medical terminology. It begins by providing an
introduction to the field of medical terminology, focusing on the anatomy and physiology of the body systems. It then moves on to discuss the terms used to describe diseases and conditions, along with laboratory tests and procedures. It then discusses pharmacology and drug therapy, with an emphasis on how drugs are used to treat diseases and conditions in the healthcare setting.
Finally, it looks at the healthcare setting itself, discussing different roles and responsibilities of healthcare workers, as well as health insurance and other aspects of the healthcare system.
Throughout the course, students will learn the correct medical terms for each of the topics covered and apply them in real-world scenarios.

The course curriculum for a Medical Terminology Related to Documentation and Billing Training Program would include topics such as medical terminology, healthcare systems and processes, healthcare regulations, coding and billing strategies, patient privacy and security, and electronic health records. It would also cover elements such as medical record-keeping, coding and billing systems, and the use of healthcare software. Furthermore, the course would cover topics related to medical insurance, claims processing, and claims adjudication. The curriculum would also provide hands-on experience with coding and billing systems and software and include practical case studies that help students understand and apply their knowledge in a real-world setting.

To make a medical terminology course successful, it is important to create engaging and interactive content that engages students and encourages them to learn and remember the material. This could be done through a variety of methods, such as using self-made acronyms, creating engaging guides and workbooks, and providing free online classes for students to supplement their learning. Additionally, it is important to provide students with a variety of resources to help them learn, such as videos, slideshows, and interactive quizzes. Finally, it is beneficial to utilize a hybrid course format, where both online and in-person classes are offered to create an engaging and supportive learning environment.

I would like to offer my best wishes to you, dear Dr. Malak, as you embark on your journey as an expert trainer. May your knowledge and skill be an inspiration to all those you train and may your dedication and passion for the medical profession be a guiding light. Best wishes for your role!

Dr. Malak Faysilm Dhan
Orthopedic Practitioner Doctor & Medical Course Lecturer
Al Khalil hospital
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