Special offer for Algerian companies. On the occasion of the Made in Algeria exhibition, which will be held at the Tripoli International Fair from 08 to 11 February 2023, the MCL office “Masar Consulting Libya” in Tripoli presents a special offer for Algerian companies and exporters that includes the following package: – Participation in the exhibition within a display area with the company’s logo. – Representation and presentation of products, samples, services and advertising props with reception staff. . – Reduction in the service of the permanent exhibition of Algerian products in Libya. – Reduction in advisory and economic services for the MCL office in Tripoli. Notice: – Participation in the exhibition is done exclusively by registering on the platform of the exhibition organizer from Algeria (VISTAVKA Algeria) via the link www.madeinalgeria.me/inscription.
With a registration fee of 25,000 DZD. – Land transportation of products and samples for the offer from Algeria to Libya is available, (150 DZD / kg, 150,000 DZD / ton) registration with the organizing company in Algeria with the possibility of recovering the freight cost from the Algerian Export Support Fund.