Tripoli International Fair معرض طرابلس الدولي

The Tripoli International Fair is considered one of the most important exhibitions in the Arab region and the African continent, as its establishment was based on the consideration of Libya as an important historical center of the ancient trade centers, and it began with the Phoenicians taking its ports as export and import stations. The idea of the Tripoli International Fair arose for the first time in 1926 AD, and its first sessions were launched in 1927 in Al-Ghazala Square in the capital, Tripoli. In the year 1929, the third session was held, and the exhibition continued until the 13th session, when it stopped in the year 1939 before the start of World War II, to resume its activity in the year 1962.

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    08:00 AM
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  • Weekdays
    08:00 AM
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