College of Applied Administrative and Financial Sciences / Tripoli كلية العلوم الإدارية والمالية التطبيقية / طرابلس

The College of Administrative and Applied Financial Sciences – Tripoli is one of the Libyan technical colleges affiliated with the National Authority for Technical and Technical Education. It was established in 1989 and had the name of the Advanced Center for Administrative and Financial Professions, which was affiliated with vocational training and training at that time. Its name was changed to become the Higher Institute for Administrative and Financial Professions and its affiliation with education. Its name was changed again to become the Higher Center for Administrative and Financial Professions, in the year 2009 and by a decision of the General People’s Committee Previously, the judge to convert some model higher institutes into technical colleges changed its name to become the College of Administrative and Applied Financial Sciences and affiliated with the National Authority for Technical Education.

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