The Libyan Authority for Scientific Research, headed by Mr. Faisal Abdul-Azim Al-Abdali All interested people from all over the world to attend and participate in the “First International Conference on Nano Science and Technology” (NSNT 2023), which will be held in Tripoli, Libya during the period from 10-11 October 2023, which includes keynote speakers, presentations, oral interventions, poster presentations and an exhibition accompanying.
Conference Objectives:
- Shedding light on pioneering and future innovations in the world of nanotechnology and its importance in addressing and providing solutions in various fields.
- To be a forum for discussion and a place to enhance academic and commercial communication between specialized experts, academics and researchers who have distinguished contributions in the field of nanoscale development, directors of scientific centers in universities, professionals, administrators, industry representatives and businessmen.
- Encourage young scientists to share their research and facilitate career development.
Who can attend?
- Academic experts in nanotechnology and nanomaterials.
- Teaching staff members.
- Scientists and researchers from Institutes, universities, and companies.
- Graduate students from universities and institutes.
- Doctors & Pharmacists.
- Directors of scientific centers.
- Investors.
- Industry and business representatives.
- Managers in government institutions, Service companies, authorities and decision-makers.
For registration visit our website https://aonsrt.ly/
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