
The Ninth International Exhibition for Bride and Fashion is the luxurious destination for every bride that paves the way for her to acquire and choose the best products and the finest services from the elite suppliers and wedding service providers...
The Women’s Support and Empowerment Office at the University of Tobruk is organizing a celebration on the occasion of International Women’s Day for this year. The office invites female colleagues from the functional and teaching staff, working sisters, and all...
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قريباً المعرض العربي الذهبي ينطلق في طرابلس عروس البحر ابتداً من 4 يناير حتى 6 يناير 2024 معرض يضم العديد من شركات المناسبات والموضه والمجوهرات والخدمات التموينية والسياحية والعديد من التخصصات و بمشاركة شخصيات عربيه متميزة يضم هذا الحدث مشاركات...