A-Hub Accelerator Competition

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It is an international acceleration program aimed at emerging technology in various technological fields, with the aim of creating a large group of young innovators in the member states of ASESCO. A number of objectives have been identified below based on the “A-HUB Program” with a focus on promoting local economic growth and developing companies Local emerging, making a real difference especially in the aspect of social and / or environmental challenge.


  • Contribute to the development of the regional economy.
  • Attracting pioneers based on technological innovation with a focus on customer needs, sustainability and regional raw materials.
  • Turning bold ideas into reality and making startups investment-ready faster than ever before.
  • Accelerate growth progress and maintain steady growth expanding network of advisors, experts and partners.

Phases of the acceleration program:

  • The National Networking System
    • Invite the partners, stakeholders and actors of the partnership and include them in the ecosystem.
  • Pioneer Day
    • Inviting pioneers to participate and register in the program through the stakeholder system.
  • Developing the idea
    • The ideas and participating groups will be introduced, the founding team, the added value of the idea and the target market will be identified.
  • Accelerate growth
    • Acceleration sessions will be tailored to founders, capacity building of groups, as well as development of concept prototypes.
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An invitation to local partners and stakeholders in higher education institutions and in the public and private sectors, to introduce the program.

Announcing the registration link and inviting pioneers and owners of emerging projects to participate in the program through the official websites of universities and colleges of higher education and our partners, and accepting applications online.

Evaluation and pre-selection, by a committee of experts in entrepreneurship, where a group of projects will be selected according to specific criteria.

A two-day camp to get to know the groups closely, identify ideas, and choose from 15 to 20 projects for the accelerator camp.

A 6-week acceleration camp, in which the selected project teams receive: capacity building sessions and intensive training - model development - field visits - networking with stakeholders - market analysis - public speaking sessions.

National Festival Final, pitching ideas to the jury and selecting 3 national winners.

Event Details