The Second International Conference on Digital Transformation and its Role in the Development of Higher Education Institutions (Reality and Challenges) المؤتمر الدولي الثاني للتحول الرقمي ودوره في تطوير مؤسسات التعليم العالي (الواقع والتحديات)

The digital transformation of society inevitably constitutes a major change in the higher education sector and affects the way higher education institutions operate at all levels, from governance to teaching and learning, from curricula content to knowledge production and research activities. This constitutes an important transformation in higher education that comes with opportunities and challenges. This will provide a platform for universities to share best practices, discuss challenges and explore opportunities for collaboration.

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Conference Objectives
  1. Raising awareness of the concepts of digital transformation in higher education institutions and explaining its importance.
  2. Finding opportunities for acquaintance and closer communication between researchers to cooperate in conducting research.
  3. Exchange of experiences and expertise between higher education institutions in Libya in the field of digital transformation.
  4. Identifying the difficulties and challenges facing the digital transformation process in higher education institutions in Libya and how to overcome them
  5. Determining strategies for developing a comprehensive digital transformation plan for higher education institutions in Libya.
Conference Themes
  1. Websites and their role in ranking universities.
  2. Technology infrastructure and its role in digital transformation.
  3. The role of human resources in digital transformation.
  4. Laws and regulations (legislations) and their role in supporting digital transformation.
  5. The educational environment in light of the digital transformation.
  6. Quality and digital transformation.
Admission Requirements
  1. Commitment to the principles and ethics of scientific research in terms of method and approach.
  2. The research should be related to one of the themes of the conference.
  3. The research should not have been previously published or submitted for publication.
  4. Abstracts will be accepted in both Arabic and English, provided that the number of words does not exceed (250 words).
  5. Scientific posts are subject to arbitration by committees specialized scientific.
  6. Accepted abstracts are required to be presented at the conference, and after their acceptance, and within a period not exceeding two months, the paper must be submitted, provided that the number of pages for the research paper does not exceed 10.
  7. Accepted abstracts will be published in the conference abstracts booklet.
  8. Researchers whose abstracts have been accepted are given a period of two months after the conference is held to submit the full research paper so that it is subject to evaluation according to the conditions of the Fezzan Scientific University Journal.
  9. Accepted papers will be published in the Journal of Fezzan Scientific University.