Martyrs Square is one of the squares of Tripoli, the Libyan capital, adjacent to the Red Serail. It was established in the twenties of the twentieth century, when it bore the name “Italy Square”. After Libya’s independence in 1951, it became called “Independence Square”, then changed to “Martyrs Square” and then to “Green Square”, to return to the name “Martyrs Square” in the last years of Gaddafi’s rule. And the last name was installed after the February 17 revolution. A number of the main streets in the city branch out from it, such as Omar Al-Mukhtar Street, Mizran Street, December 24 Street (formerly September 1st) and Istiklal Street (formerly Muhammad Al-Maqrif). The Bank of the Nation) and the former state building, as it was overlooked by the largest theaters in Tripoli previously, the Miramari Theater, the Mosque of Sidi Hammouda, and a public garden.