The College of Accounting Gharyan is the first nucleus of this university, which was established based on the decision of the General People’s Committee (formerly) No. 925 of 1985 AD. This university has 21 faculties. These faculties organize 138 departments and 85 academic programs distributed over the geographical area extending from the city of Gharyan in the east to the city of Kikla in the west and in the north from the city of Gharyan to the sister cities of Mizdah Nesma in the south. With God’s help and success, the College of Physical Education and the College of Technology were opened Information for the academic year 2017-2018, and in the academic year 2018-2019, the College of Pharmacy was opened. Gharyan University This scientific citadel has an academic age of 36 years. It is affiliated with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. Its name has changed according to the decision issued by the Ministry of Education No. 19 of 2017 regarding the renaming of Western Mountain University to become Gharyan University, based in the city of Gharyan.