Nalut University was established in the year 2017 AD and was established as an independent university according to the Presidential Council Resolution of the Government of National Accord No. (606) for the year 2017 AD. The university currently includes seven colleges distributed in the cities of the western mountain, starting from the city of Jadu in the east to the city of Ghadames in the west, as follows: College of Law and Sharia, Nalut , College of Engineering Jadu, College of Medical Technology Nalut, College of Education Nalut, College of Education Kabao, College of Education Jadu, College of Science and Arts Ghadames, and the University of Nalut graduated successive batches, reaching batch (30) for this year in various fields of their scientific specializations, academic programs and systems of study in The undergraduate level, noting that some colleges have been established since 1991 AD, and seek through their vision, goals, and mission towards civilized progress that meet the various needs of the region in general, and to achieve continuous development to raise the educational level of the individual in western Libya, and to push the wheel of scientific progress forward.