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The Faculty of Economics and Political Science / University of Tobruk announces the organization of the first scientific conference sponsored by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, entitled: Crises in Libya and their repercussions on the national economy...
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Registration form for the Maritime Conference in Libya: https://cutt.us/LMConference Note: the time of the conference isn’t accurate, please contact us for more information.
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The world is witnessing rapid development in all scientific and applied journals as a result of continuous research and permanent efforts to support all scientific research programs in universities and scientific centers, and due to the fact that civil engineering...
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Note: the time and location of the conference isn’t accurate, please contact us for more information.
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Mechanism for receiving research papers: It is required to fill out the attached participation form and send it to the scientific committee within the specified date for receiving the research, via e-mail: 4esc2023@srcest.org.ly or 4esc2023@gmail.com Evaluation and publication mechanism: The...
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The banking sector is considered one of the most important basic sectors in any international economy, not only for its important role in mobilizing domestic and foreign savings and financing investment that represents economic activity, but also because it represents...
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Note: the time and the location of the conference isn’t accurate, please contact us for more information.
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” تحت شعار الترجمة المضبوطة لمعاني القران وسيلة لنشر الاسلام “ دعوة جميع الدارسين والباحثين داخل ليبيا وخارجها إلى المشاركة في فعاليات المؤتمر الدولي الأوّل في ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم والذي ينظمه مركز البحوث القرآنية والدراسات العلمية بالمجمع بالتعاون مع...
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The Second International Historical Conference (Human Movements and Migrations in Libya Through Historical Ages – Civilization and Cultural Building and Demographic Transformation) Al-Sayyid Muhammad bin Ali Al-Senussi Islamic University is pleased to announce the organization of the Second International Historical...
كلية القانون جامعة درنة، تقيم مؤتمرها العملي الدولي الأول بعنوان: الآثار القانونية لإعصار دانيال، بين الفراغ التشريعي والتنوع الفقهي، وذلك بداية من اليوم الأول والثاني من مايو القادم. وتجب الإشارة إلى أني قد شاركت ببحث، وكان بالمشاركة مع إحدى الطالبات...