Omar Al-Mukhtar University began its scientific and educational career in the College of Agriculture in 1975, which was the first building block and the cornerstone of this pioneering university, which was able to shorten the time in record time and...
The Middle East University for Modern Sciences is a private scientific institution that is academically, administratively, and financially independent. It qualifies specialized scientific cadres and competencies in various fields of knowledge and seeks to contribute to the development and implementation...
Wadi Al-Shati University was established by Cabinet Resolution No. (51) for the year 2022 AD, as this university was established based on the faculties of engineering sciences, technology, law and education in Barak, previously affiliated to Sebha University, by decision...
Bani Walid University is a public university that was established by virtue of the Prime Minister’s decision No. (193) for the year 2015 AD and includes nine faculties, which are Sharia Sciences, Arts, Education, Law, Agriculture, Science, Economics, Political Science,...
Fezzan University was established with the aim of contributing to accommodating the increasing number of students from various regions of the vast Libyan south, in order to prepare and qualify highly qualified scientific cadres capable of participating in local development...
Nalut University was established in the year 2017 AD and was established as an independent university according to the Presidential Council Resolution of the Government of National Accord No. (606) for the year 2017 AD. The university currently includes seven...
Libya Open University is a scientific institution and a beacon of knowledge affiliated to the Ministry of Higher Education of the state. It was established by decision of the General People’s Committee (Prime Minister) No. 670 of 1987 AD. It...
The Libyan International University for Medical Sciences is the first private national university in the field of medical education. Since its official opening on October 20, 2007, the university has been able to lead its field locally and has made...